What do chickens have in common with divorces, sharks, parades, supreme court decisions, Sunday morning sermons, and passenger trains? Well, apparently chickens got around quite a lot in the so-called good old days because they were part of stories regarding all these subjects.

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Some of what you will find inside:

It is not often that a shark breaks into a man's hen roost and steals his chickens. Such a case, however, is on record at Pointe-a-la-Hache, Louisiana.

Wayne County, Ohio—On Wednesday evening 60 chickens were stolen from Perry Cotterman, who lives north of the city. His neighbor, George Newell, also suffered the loss of a large number. The attendance at the chicken supper given by the men of the United Presbyterian church Thursday evening was very good.

Centralia, Illinois—Riley Craig and Carl Geibert, two farmers, fought over chickens. Craig is dying from three gunshot wounds. Geibert escaped.

Springfield, Illinois—Is eggs eggs or is eggs chickens? This is a highly important question to the postmaster at Peoria, Illinois, because two dozen eggs sent by the new parcel post chose to violate the law and become chickens right in the postmasters office.

Boston—David Keller, recently arrested for appropriating 12 chickens, later declared innocent, is suing Mrs. Constance Lowell for $15,000 to soothe his feelings. The chickens are worth $9.

Get some good hens. You will help win the war. You will reduce your cost of living. You will turn waste into food. Get some good hens.

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