Monday, August 3, 2015

Having a bad day?

Today is Monday - a bad day for many, so here are a few clippings from Chicago Clippings to give you a different perspective and cheer you up:

Felix Lorenze, Jeannette, Pa., tried death by drowning.  Rescued.  Threw himself in front of train.  Found out what cowcatcher was for.  Tried to hang self with towel.  Landlady objected.  Carbolic acid.  Presumably he’s happy now.

Man tried to hold up Miss Alma Carroll of Lake Forest near her home.  She responded with a right and left and robber fled.  Miss Carroll captured his hat and turned it over to police.

Ninety-two cases of dynamite exploded near village of Jaudon, Mo.  Village shaken as by earthquake.  Dynamite used for blasting by Kansas City Southern Railway.  Watchmen lit fire in storehouse to prevent dynamite from freezing.

Plaster of paris hoofprints of horse owned by H.O. Jeffries, editor Nowata, Okla., Advertiser, have led to arrest of Jeffries for murder of Mrs. Irene Goheon. His was only horse in county fitted with racing shoes.

Patrick Sheehan, who is seen in jail about once a week, has a habit of “playing dead” for the benefit of policemen.  Yesterday he “played dead” and was surprised when students came and demanded different parts of his body.  It didn’t take long to show them that he wasn’t dead.

Mrs. Thomas Doran, W. 47th st., was warned by the building department that her house was not safe.  She moved.  Five minutes after the last piece of furniture was moved the house fell into the adjoining lot.  No one hurt.

Feeling better now?  Remembering that things can always be worse?

I am getting closer to publishing Chicago Clippings but it is my husband's birthday and our 49th anniversary this week so it won't happen before mid August.  If you haven't read The Coffin War yet, you can read it while you are waiting.  :-)

Have a good week.

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