Monday, August 10, 2015

1912 Fashion News

Update on CHICAGO CLIPPINGS and then on to fashions.

I have been working on the cover for much of the past two days.  I'm learning a lot about ebook covers and Photoshop I didn't know before and am getting close to finishing a cover thanks to very helpful suggestions from a Facebook writers group.

But for now, here are a few news items about what to wear that make me happy I did not live in 1912.


Fashion’s latest decree to women is that they wear pictures of sweethearts on shoes.  This decree comes from Boston, and, perhaps the fact that Boston is headquarters of the shoe trust, has something to do with it.

San Francisco, Cal.––It took six women jurors just six minutes to decide that when a lady had set her heart on having a certain pink corset in a shop window –– brocaded silk trimmings and fluffy ruffle edges––and finds, after taking it home, that the said corset does not fit, the lady has right to take the corset back and demand her money.  On the calendar of Justice Chas. E.A. Creighton, this is recorded as the Penn-Burdell corset case, and is the first to be decided by a jury of women in this city.

Dr. Mary Walker, champion of male attire for women, has left Presbyterian hospital, N.Y. where some people thought she was going to die because nurses tried to make her wear nightdress.  She wanted, and now is wearing, pajamas.

Chief of Police McWeeny says he’s going to inspect all bathing suits used on Chicago beaches and decide if they’re proper or not.

Chicago Great Western Railroad has issued order forbidding men to wear red shirts and ties.  Afraid they might be taken as danger signals.

Milwaukee.––Miss Letta Buschmann fainted in court when a tailor she is suing declared before everyone in court that she ordered a suit from him “to make her look thin.”

Miss Aline Gordon of New York, of course, has bought two pairs of stockings.  That isn’t so strange; most young women wear ‘em but Miss Aline’s are of pure gold, $100 a pair, and she can wear a pair but twice.


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